Monday, October 22, 2012


Today begins my third week of Michaelmas. I just learned recently to distinguish which term is which, and why they are named as they are. Michaelmas, begins on the feast of St Michael. Hilary, winter term, begins on the feast of St Hilary and Trinity, summer term, begins on the Feast of the Holy Trinity. This is just one of many traditions that remains firmly intrenched here at Oxford, speaking to a rich past.

Another such tradition was one which I participated in on Saturday October 13th, first week: Matriculation.  As it was explained to me, Matriculation, in past days included an exam, written in latin. It was through this exam that University officials were assured of new students' excellence and the students were then officially registered as members of the university. Although the examination has since ceased, (thank goodness!) the Latin ceremony remains an important tradition at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Trinity College, Dublin, which also serves to facilitate the practical necessity of registration as a University member. One cannot graduate from one's program, and is not officially a member of the university, until he or she has matriculated. 

The entire day of October 13th is devoted to matriculating the new students at undergrad, graduate and postgrad level for all of Oxford's 38 colleges and 6 private halls, in a series of identical ceremonies at the Sheldonian Theatre. My day began by donning sub fusc, the garb which is worn for matriculating, as well as sitting exams and graduating. Then I gathered with all the other new students of St Hugh's College in the Gardens for pictures and subsequently walked in a long line downtown to the Sheldonian Theatre. As we began our walk the weather was lovely. However, within seconds it changed to rain and hail, causing all of us walking to raise our caps for the little inadequate shelter they provided. As we reached the Sheldonian, the rain and hale ceased and the sun returned. We entered the theatre and were seated along with the new students of three or four other colleges. 

As soon as all the students were seated, the Vice Chancellor entered and we all stood as he read the words which made us all life long members of Oxford University: 'Scitote vos in Matriculam Universitatis hodie relatos esse, et ad observandum omnia Statuta istius Universitatis, quantum ad vos spectent, teneri.'
‘Know that you are today added to the Roll of the University and bound to obey all the statutes of this University, so far as they apply to you.'

Following these brief words, the Vice Chancellor gave a short talk welcoming us all to Oxford, after which we were set free to roam the town in our sub fusc and fill the local pubs, along with the hundreds of other newly matriculated and curious tourists and onlookers. 

Here is the link to a video of the ceremony. 

Pre-Matriculation with a Class Mate in Subfusc
Walking to the Sheldonian in the Rain and Hale